Past exhibition
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
The popular debugging.
June 5 - July , 2012
Selected Works
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Workshop store. Madrid, 1948.
Photography chlorobromide tacking paper revealed selenium from original negative.

Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Suburb of Madrid, 1954.
Photography chlorobromide tacking paper revealed selenium from original negative.

Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Barajas Airport. Madrid, 1954.
Photography chlorobromide tacking paper revealed selenium from original negative.

Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Hotel Castellana Hilton.Madrid.LM Feduchi, 1953.
Photography chlorobromide tacking paper revealed selenium from original negative.

Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Joaquín del Palacio Kindel
Hilton Hotel Castellana, Madrid, 1953.
Photography chlorobromide tacking paper revealed selenium from original negative.